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Touchscreen Cognition Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

One of the major advantages of using touchscreen technology is the ability to precisely control the stimuli and other experimental parameters presented to animals, allowing for identical experiences across different cohorts and laboratories.  To further the aim of replication and reliable cognitive testing, the following are some SOPs used by the Translational Cognitive Neuroscience (TCNLab), the Mouse Neurobehavioural Core and BrainsCAN labs at Western University.  These SOPs are updated as new tasks are developed and old ones are further optimized.  Please check back frequently to get our most up-to-date version available.

Do you have an SOP you would like to contribute?  Please contact us or ask any questions about a current SOP in our Forums.  Your comments and SOPs may be added to this page.


Please note that the ABETII file names in the SOPs may differ across different users and facilities. 

Mouse SOPs

Rat SOPs

Other Helpful Touchscreen-Related Documents

Touchscreen Methods Papers

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  • Optogenetic Best Practices – Step by step guide to making probes which can be used for optogenetics (or fibre photometry) as well as other experimental considerations.
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