Title: Standard Operating Procedure – Extinction
Author: MouseTRAP Team
Date: 11/28/2023
Version: 2
Abstract: The extinction task is used to measure response inhibition. The task is performed in specially designed touchscreen-based automated chambers with 3 or 5 response locations using food reinforcers to maintain performance. The extinction task requires the subject to learn to associate a food reward with a nose-poke to a white square stimulus presented in the center of the screen. After the task is learned, the ability to extinguish the learned response is assessed by having stimulus responses no longer rewarded nor accompanied by any other feedback.
Please note that this SOP goes through all the stages of pre-training, training and testing as though you are working with naïve mice. If your mice have previously completed a task using either the 5 Choice Serial Reaction Time Task (5CSRTT) or the Paired Associates Learning (PAL) mask, you should keep the appropriate mask and can move straight to section 3.3.2 (Stage 8). If your mice have already done a touchscreen task but with a different mask2, we recommend habituating your animals to the novel mask (complete Stage 3-5 before moving to Stage 8.
DOI: 10.58064/4x4k-yr91
Link to Full SOP: mExtinction-v2
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