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Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) – 5-Choice Serial Reaction Time Task

Title: Standard Operating Procedure – 5-Choice Serial Reaction Time Task
Author: Howland Lab
Date: 06/15/21
Version: 1
Abstract: The 5-choice serial reaction time task (5-CSRT) is used to measure executive cognitive functions in rodent models (and other species). Specifically, it is used to assess attentional processes and impulse control. Briefly, it requires a rodent to simultaneously monitor a horizontal array of five square response windows in anticipation for a stimulus, which takes the form of a single lit-up response window. If a rodent fails to make a selection, makes a wrong selection, or makes a selection outside of the appropriate time frame then a punishment will occur.
DOI: 10.58064/q7sx-df28
Link to Full SOP: r5CSRT-v1
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