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Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) – Pairwise Visual Discrimination (PVD) & Pairwise Visual Reversal (PVR)

Title: Standard Operating Procedure – Pairwise Visual Discrimination (PVD) & Pairwise Visual Reversal (PVR)
Author: MouseTRAP Team
Date: 11/28/2023
Version: 3
Abstract: The PVD task with reversal has been designed to measure effects of drugs and other manipulations (ex: genetic) on visual learning and cognitive flexibility. The test is performed in specially designed touchscreen-based automated chambers with 2 response locations (left and right windows) using food reinforcers to maintain performance. The PVD task requires the subject to learn to associate a food reward with a nose-poke response to one image (S+ stimulus) when it appears in one of the windows and ignore a second visually distinct image (S- stimulus) appearing simultaneously in the other location. After the task is learned, reversal learning is attempted where the food reward becomes linked to the former S- stimulus and responses to the former S+ stimulus go unrewarded.
DOI: 10.58064/dp7t-ck72
Link to Full SOP: mPVD-v3
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