Posted at 03 Jan, 12:05h in Publications by Tim Bussey 0 Likes Share The Arctic/Swedish APP mutation alters the impact of chronic stress on cognition in mice
Posted at 02 Jan, 21:13h in Publications by Tim Bussey 0 Likes Share Genetic inactivation of hypoxia inducible factor 1-alpha (HIF-1α) in adult hippocampal progenitors impairs neurogenesis and pattern separation in the TUNL task
Posted at 21 Aug, 19:48h in Publications by Tim Bussey 0 Likes Share Exploratory relationships between cognitive improvements and training induced plasticity in hippocampus and cingulum in a rat model of mild traumatic brain injury: a diffusion MRI study
Posted at 21 Aug, 18:38h in Publications by Tim Bussey 0 Likes Share Pharmacological studies of effort-related decision making using mouse touchscreen procedures: effects of dopamine antagonism do not resemble reinforcer devaluation by removal of food restriction
Posted at 08 Jul, 19:12h in Publications by Tim Bussey 0 Likes Share Rodent Models of Adaptive Value Learning and Decision-Making
Posted at 24 Jun, 17:06h in Publications by Tim Bussey 0 Likes Share Feeding behaviour, risk-sensitivity and response control: effects of 5-HT2C receptor manipulations
Posted at 24 Jun, 17:06h in Publications by Tim Bussey 0 Likes Share Dopamine D2-like receptor stimulation blocks negative feedbackin visual and spatial reversal learning in the rat: behaviouraland computational evidence
Posted at 19 Apr, 16:51h in Publications by Tim Bussey 1 Like Share Selective Attention in Rat Visual Category Learning.
Posted at 19 Apr, 15:56h in Publications by Tim Bussey 0 Likes Share Performance of the trial-unique, delayed non-matching-to-location (TUNL) task depends on AMPA/Kainate, but not NMDA, ionotropic glutamate receptors in the rat posterior parietal cortex